Tuesday 4 September 2012

Smokin' Out the Neighbourhood

Hello! Spring has sprung in Tassie and it's prompted a bit of a garden spring clean/feng shui attack at the beach shack.

We've had such a fun time trimming and chopping the overgrown garden since we first purchased the block which meant we had piles of limbs and weeds scattered all over the place. Not any more....my inner pyromaniac came out to play!

Now if you're a bit like me and have grown up primarily in the city then you probably haven't had a bon fire before. At first we were super careful and conservative about how big we let it go and every time we'd put a new stick on it we'd (ok...I'd) freak out that the whole block and all the neighbouring houses were going to catch alight. This is said fire:

Doubtful that it was going to ever get out of control (in hindsight!)

HOWEVER, having such a fun time and after a relaxing few bevvys, confidence (or inner pyromaniac) came out and all of a sudden it was all about how big we could get it!! haha

Still hilariously small I know but it seemed huge at the time, particually with my beer goggles on! We lounged around until late afternoon, playing and tidying as we went. Chatted to the neighbours and shared a tinnie or two.

So, such a satisfying day and I can now say that I have lit and survived my first bonfire! Who needs TV when you have a warm flame flickering in front of you. Only thing that was missing was marshmallows but with the closest store 20 km away, we made do. Ahhh beach life sits well with me.

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